
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Some Great Changes at Chef Bolek ...

There are some changes coming to Chef Bolek.  For those of you who follow this blog, you know that I love to cook for my beautiful wife, Clare.  Many of the dishes that make their way onto Chef Bolek are dishes that I make for and/or are inspired by her.

Recently, I have been making some changes to the meals that I make for her.  The reason is a great one ... we are expecting a child in April!  

After we got the news, one of the first things I did was to purchase some cookbooks with recipes for pregnancy.  Three cookbooks to be exact.  I knew that I would have to make some changes to what I make.  The problem is that, before I bought the cookbooks, I had a difficulty when it came to conceiving a proper meal for someone who is expecting.  I had all of these thoughts about ingredients, dietary value, and nutrition that, quite frankly, brought my creative processes to a halt.  I needed some guidance, not only when it came to dishes, but with respect to meals.  I needed to make sure that what I made would provide the necessary nutritional value for my Angel and our little cherub.   

Once I received the books, I immediately started looking for recipes based upon their nutritional content, such as the levels of protein, folic acid and the range of vitamins.  I also started cooking with ingredients that I have never used before, such as quinoa, kale, and tofu.  (Yes, the consummate carnivore is now cooking -- and eating -- tofu.) So, over the course of the days, weeks and months to come, I'll be posting some of the dishes that I have been making for Clare and our little "Baby Bolek." 

Until then, and as always ...



  1. Yay! Love that you will be trying out some new recipes for Clare and Baby Bolek! That is going to be one gourmet baby.

  2. Thanks Molly! You have given me a new idea for the blog. I definitely want to make my own baby food for Baby Bolek!
