Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am continuing what I hope will be a tradition on this blog for Thanksgiving.  No recipes, just thanks.  I want to take this opportunity to thank my family and my friends.  Over the past year, I have had the opportunity to cook for many of you, and, everyone has been very supportive (even when I am unsure of the final results). You have also been very supportive of my efforts to experiment with tastes and flavors, along with my work to learn about beer and wines.  I have to say that whenever I am blogging, I do not feel like I am typing for myself, because I know that somewhere there are people who are taking the time to read the blog posts.  And, when one of you tells me that you saw my post about a particular recipe or a wine or beer.  Your support gives me the confidence to continue my adventures through cooking and beer/wine.  I am thankful for each and everyone of you.

I should also say that I am thankful for all of those out there who visit my blog without even knowing who I am.  As you can see from the little rotating globe about halfway down the page (on the right), a lot of people have visited this blog.  In fact, the "Top Ten List" for visitors to this blog are (1) the United States; (2) Canada; (3) the United Kingdom; (4) Australia; (5) Italy; (6) the Netherlands; (7) Belgium; (8) India; (9) Germany; and (10) the Philippines.  In all, people from 114 countries have visited my blog.  And all of this since March of this year!   I never would have thought that people would be visiting my blog from around the world.  I am thankful for all of you as well.  

Well, I'd better go.  I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving!  Until next time ...


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